from scorpions with love

Cu ocazia unei raceli monumentale care m-a lovit din senin, stau acasa. Si am intrat intr-o sesiune de Scorpions care o sa ma insanatoseasca cu siguranta. Scriu cateva versuri [bine,poate nu chiar cateva.hai sa zicem o gramada] care mie mi se par geniale, doar ca nu o sa le scriu sub forma de vers [n-as vrea sa ocup intreaga pagina].

Odata cu aceasta postare te invit sa asculti si tu melodiile din care scriu, pentru ca sunt pur si simplu grozave.

The future never dies:

You are drifting away mind and soul and body day by day.

.Baby try to hold on till we make it to forever, we're alive and the future never dies.

.Cause everything you are is all I need.

.We've got to come together cause everybody needs a heart to hold.

.In you eyes, the future never dies.

Your last song:

.I'll change this stupid ending and stay with you forever more.

.I couldn't be the one to love you the way that you deserve to be.

.I've lived this last goodbye a million times or more in my mind.

.It's killing me to know that it's you last song.


.Lies it's the truth I'm after, let me find it in your eyes, quick before the moment dies.

.Love's the only thing that matters.

Still loving you:

.Time, it needs time, to win back your love again. I will be there, I will be there.

.Love, only love, can break down the walls someday.

.Your pride has built a wall, so strong, that I can't get through.

.If we'd go again,all the way from the start, I would try to change the things that killed our love. Yes I've hurt your pride, and I know what you've been through. You should give me a chance, this can't be the end, I'm still loving you...."

Love will keep us alive:

.I can't love you if you won't let me, can't touch me if you don't try.

.As the days go by, we get caught up in our separate lives.

You and I:

.I loose control because of you babe, I loose control when you look at me like this.

.There's something in you eyes, is this love at first sight.

.It's all written down in you lifelines, it's written down inside you heart.

.You and I were just made to love each other now forever and a day.

We were born to fly:

.And it's not about forgiveness, cause it's all about the love anyhow.

.You keep my faith alive, with you I'm not afraid, to rise and fall and face disaster.

.Take another breath, just close your eyes my love, let nature do the rest.

We will rise again:

.Holding on to you like broken glass, every touch cuts deeper that the last. I know I should leave but it feels so good to bleed.

.Poison kisses lock us in this cage, our lives get twisted in this masquerade. I can't seem to shake this incurable need, this endless addiction I feed.

.Covered in ashes, I cry out your name and out of the flames we will rise again.

.Run into the shadows where we hide.

.And nothing is sacred and everything's wrong, but you and I keep holding on.

Scrisoare de Dragoste.

Cred ca e una din cele mai bune carti din cate am citit. Am citit-o in 3 zile. Si sunt mandra de asta [:))]. Am scos din ea cateva replici mai interesante si cu ocazia asta iti recomand sa o citesti.

• Eram cu adevarat sortita acestui om? Exista oare ceva predestinat in viata noastra, care trebuie sa se implineasca? Cine sa dea raspuns unei asemenea intrebari? Eu cred ca noi insine suntem autorii binelui sau raului, ca destinul nu e in stele, ci mult mai aproape: chiar in mainile noastre.
• Dragostea pe care n-o cauti nu vine.
• - Stinge si lumina.
- Dar cum am sa te vad pe intuneric?
- Ma vezi in inchipuire. Acolo am cel putin avantajul ca sunt asa cum ma vrei tu.
• Nu mi-e foame, caci fericirea se hraneste din ea insasi.
• Atata corectitudine m-a emotionat, numai ca el o folosea doar pentru lucruri, si nu pentru oameni.
• Nici nu-mi dau seama cum si in ce fel am plecat din casa lor. Eram mutilat, distrus mai rau decat un om care traieste dupa ce a murit.
• E oare golul visului implinit?
• Si sfarseste [scrisoarea] rugandu-ma sa-i pastrez o amintire frumoasa…
• O sarutare, domnul meu, costa uneori viata. N-ati stiut inca?
• Fiindca orice zi este o existenta in mic, si, daca ar fi dupa mine, n-as masura viata noastra in ani, ci in zile.
• Mi-a spus ca odata am sa inteleg ce-a fost.
• Pretul unei femei nu-l afli decat dupa ce o pierzi.
• -As avea motive sa ma indoiesc de fidelitatea ta?
- Nu stiu. Insa niciodata nu trebuie sa fii prea sigur de o femeie.
Nu stiu unde citisem ca sarutarea e tipul voluptatii desavarsite, fiindca renaste din ea insasi si, astfel, o sarutare cere pe alta, necontenit, fara sat.
• In dragoste, distantele pier, iar obstacolele se naruie.
• Sunt sincer intai cu mine si apoi cu altii.
• Asta-i tot ce-ai inteles din zbuciumul meu?
• Dar tu nu esti croit pentru astfel de gesturi…
• Nimeni nu se naste nobil, nobletea se dobandeste!
• Pentru cei carora viata nu le mai ofera nimic s-a nascocit Raiul.
• Chiar stanca se naruie la staruintele picaturilor de apa, dar o femeie sensibila?
• Sunt ochii maturitatii care vad asa, sau e la mijloc o iluzie optica?
• Au si lucrurile o viata a lor! Mor si ele! Nu, nu sunt nimic prin ele insele, valoarea lor le-o da numai starea noastra sufleteasca.
• Arta e o exagerare, artistul transfigureaza realitatea, radicand-o ceva mai sus, la nivelul personalitatii sale.
• Imi face mai mult rau decat bine. Cu toate astea, unele suferinte sunt atat de placute.
• Inima e, cateodata, un cimitir cu gropi multe.
• Tacem din nou. Vorbesc numai gandurile, dar cine le aude?
• O femeie simte adesea dincolo de simturi.
• Dragostea n-o poti cumpara cu toate bogatiile pamantului, dar o poti avea cu un simplu suras.
• Cate binefaceri sunt pe lume, care nu costa nimic, si fiindca sunt atat de ieftine, nu le pretuieste nimeni.
• Impotriva cui sa lupt mai intai, daca totul lupta impotriva mea?
• Retraiesc fragmentar tot ce a fost si tot ce a fost are un farmec inedit, pentru ca stiu ca de-acum n-o sa mai fie nimic, de-acum incolo incepe neantul…

Bineinteles ca nu m-am putut abtine sa nu scriu replicile mele preferate din House. Cum as fi putut face asta?! Nu le scriu pe toate ca is ff multe, dar care urmeaza is best of. Enjoy!

  • Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?
  • We are who people think we are.
  • People lie for a thousand of reasons. But there's always a reason.
  • If I give a damn or not, is not gonna change what happened...
  • Being miserable doesn't make you better than everybody else. It just makes you miserable.
  • People don't change. At least not in a way that really matters.
  • You can stop now. You ruined everything.
  • You ask God the same queston, He'll give you the same answer.
  • Everything is conditional. You can't always anticipate the conditions.
  • Can I be your imaginary friend?
  • I need someone to remember me...
  • If you're not here, there's no point in staying...
  • Can we get to the 'but' part of this conversation?
  • There's no medicine like happyness!
  • 'Never' is just 'reven' spelled backwards.
  • I can't forgive you. Because there's nothing to forgive.
  • Life is for the living.
  • I only sabotage people I consider worthed.
  • You couldn't kill her dream...
  • I left for a reason. And that reason hasn't changed.
  • I hate you! Tell me why!
  • You shouldn't care if I care.
  • When you run out of questions, you don't run out of answers: you run out of hope.
  • There's no negligence without injury.
  • If you don't try, you can't fail.
  • You gave me happiness, and then you took it away...
  • People don't change. They want to. They need to.
  • The more you know someone, the more you should love them.
  • People don't change just because they wish they could.
  • I'm not worried. And that's because I don't care.
  • I'm ignoring you because you make me sad.
  • People get what they get. It has nothing to do with what they desirve.
  • It's a basic truth of the human condition that everybody lies. The only variable is about what.
  • I'd rather spend my life close to the birds than waste it, wishing I had wings!
  • I have the right to walk away from you.
  • Couldn't do that, even if I cared enough to want to.
  • That's the great thing about brothers: you can make mistakes and they'd still love you...
  • Can't say 'no' if it's not a question.
  • Because I'm phisically incapable of being nice.
  • I'm not giving up on life. I'm just giving up on you!
  • My version of 'nothing' is more interesting!
  • This is the only me you get.
  • Aren't this eccentricities what makes us human?
  • I'd love to hear more of you theory, but I don't give a crap.
  • You can't find a reason, can't find a meaning in it because sometimes there isn't any. Sometimes...this is all there is.
  • I'm not expecting...I'm hoping...
  • If you don't find your answer...I can't stay here forever...
  • If emotions would make us act rational, we wouldn't call them emotions. Right?
  • A birthday is an excuse to be happy.
  • Is a lie a lie if everybody knows it's a lie?
  • Everybody does stupid things. It shouldn't cost them everything they want in life.
  • I loved him until I figured out it hurts a lot less to just not care.
  • People pray so God's not gonna crush them like bugs!
  • Wanting to believe the best about people doesn't make it true.
  • There are only 2 ways I can deal with things. One is in my control: to leave...
  • You wanna be a rebel? Stop being cool!
  • How hard is it to tell me something you already know?
  • Are you ignoring me or you're just letting my charm wash over you?
  • 'No' is not an argument.
  • Successes only lasts until someone screws them up. Failures are forever.
  • Things change; it doesn't mean they get better.
  • Now I'm the closest thing you got to a friend.
  • I was hoping you get there on your own...
  • It's easy to be nice to people you like. But being nice to people you hate...that's a skill!
  • Continue to say nothing if you agree!
  • Just waiting to whatever is about to go wrong...
Movie quotes
Astea sunt niste replici din filme. Care se potrivesc unor situatii. Unele par fara sens, dar sunt de fapt foarte profunde. Probabil postarea asta o sa fie updated din cand in cand...cand mai gasim cate ceva. Right, Bia?
  • Mistakes are as serious as the result they cause.
  • Let's don't and say we did!
  • Our lifes are defined by opportunities. Even the one that we miss.
  • So, you found something worse than me, huh?
  • I'll see you again...never!
  • Truth is the first casualty of war.
  • I say what I mean, I mean what I say.
  • Everywhere you can feel like in prison when you don't have any faith...
  • I manage to kill myself every month without dying.
  • The little faith I have, I have it in you!
  • When you're lost you're willing to belive anything.
  • The first step of recovering is understanding the problem.
  • In this world my name is David.
  • Maybe it's not such a bad idea to forget.
  • Seeing is beliving.
  • Are you so certain of everything?
  • It wouldn't be worthed if it wouldn't be hard.
  • Welcome to Sucktown! Population: you.
  • You talk a lot of shit for someone who never says anything.
  • I didn't ask fot this role, but I'll play it.
  • Boy: We'll never see eachoher again. Girl: Never...
  • You don't have to say it. We both know it.
  • Whatever it takes!
  • I didn't invent the rainy days, I just own the best umbrella.
  • Even if all that is true, it doesn't matter.
  • Some people look at an impossible situation and ask 'why?'. Others look at the same situation and ask 'why not?'.
  • Love is universal, my friend.
  • I can't finish that sentence...
  • You have my permission to be impressed.
  • I remember loving you...
  • I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.
Act Venetian. Suflete Tari

Iar iubire. Doar ca de data asta nu e numai iubire. Camil Petrescu - Act Venetian. Piesa de teatru fantastica, alaturi de Suflete Tari, cea mai grozava piesa de teatru pe care am citit-o pana acum. Poate ca,totusi, la orele de romana se studiaza si exemple extraordinare ale literaturii romane.
E posibil ca unul din citatele astea lungi si plictisitoare sa iti schimbe viata. La fel de bine cum e posibil sa nu. E posibil sa citesti pana la sfarsit si sa constati ca ti-ai pierdut degeaba minute pretioase din viata. La fel de bine cum e posibil sa nu. Eu zic sa incerci...

1.Act Venetian:

Nu castiga pe mare decat cei indrazneti. Cei care fac pe dos decat se asteapta, dupa incercarea trecuta, dusmanul.

Dragostea e preferinta exclusiva, sau nu mai e nimic.

Spusesem odata unui polonez care nu vazuse niciodata o rodie, ca rodia ... este asa ca un fruct mai mare,parca plin de coacaze. Omul meu a mancat cateva mii de coacaze ca sa afle ce este o rodie...

Cine alearga si nu se opreste la una singura, pierde din femeie ceea ce e mai bun. O femeie nu e numai trupul ei, fiindca o femeie are o frumusete marginita. In definitiv un trup e supus si el boalei. Cea mai frumoasa femeie e rareori frumoasa trupeste, in clipe fericite ... si numai cu putina ameteala, ca unele tablouri care nu trebuie privite prea de aproape. Daca n-ai vazut insa o femeie care iubeste, atunci n-ai vazut niciodata o femeie frumoasa. Cand o femeie prefera ... cand in privire ii apare o lucire vie si pe buze ii joaca o lumina, atunci ea transforma orice e al trupului ei, intr-o minune, deosebita de tot ceea ce a fost si va fi.

Iubirea are nevoie de dorinte tari si de substanta multa din care sa se hraneasca ...

Acum stiu ca e ceva deasupra marii, pentru ca ea are in ea esenta marii, cum are in ea esenta intregii creatii ... astfel femeia este cheia naturii ... Toate tainele sunt rezumate in ea si cand un suflet de femeie ti s-a deschis ti s-au deschis toate intelesurile lumii...

Tu nu stii sa ranesti decat cu ochii. Dar rana facuta de tine nu se vindeca niciodata.

Dragostea este vraja si betie, iar inteligenta omului, ca si judecata, nu au ce cauta in dragoste...

Eu socot ca nu iubim numai cu inima sau numai cu alte organe. Iubim cu totalitatea fiintei noastre.

Vorbeai ca dragostea este betie, ei bine omul inteligent nu se imbata.

O femeie superioara poate sa seduca ea pe cei din jurul ei, dar nu sa fie sedusa ca o pasare cu pene.

2. Suflete Tari

E in viata fiecarui om o clipa, uneori o singura clipa, cand firul vietii trebuie rasucit cu dusmanie.

A trebuit sa te intalnesc pe dumneata, mormantul mandriei mele.

Afla, dragul meu, ca nu e nici un motiv, destul de serios, niciodata, ca sa crezi ca o femeie te iubeste.

Viata nu-i un tricotaj, daca ai gresit, sa desiri totul si s-o iei de la inceput.